Once in a great while you come across a tree that blows your mind ... and you just know you have to do something special with it.
Last year, we bought three walnut slabs from our friends at L & K Hardwoods that were harvested from a 250+ year old walnut tree. When they brought the tree down and began cutting it into slabs, they found the tree had a cannon ball inside it!

The tree was located south of Independence Square in MO. According to the property owner, the tree was right next to the historic Overfelt Johnston House, which was used as a hospital during the Civil War. Rumors have it that the tree was used to execute people via hanging, and some of the hand-forged chains were still embedded in the tree limbs when it was taken down.We are honored to be trusted with such a cool piece of history from the Battle of Independence.

We have one 8-foot slab and two 14-foot slabs. They are all currently for sale, as we are hoping to incorporate them into some amazing pieces of furniture “art” for a few lucky customers. Email us today at hello@justrusticco.com to learn more about them or start the conversation about creating your own piece of Civil War history!