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Keeping the Dream Alive

As most of you know, I'm a bit of a motor head.

My life before furniture consisted of a real dead beat job, so I found my release in the all-out scream of a 250cc motor. Dirtbikes have been a way of life for me since I turned 9. So much so, that I had ambitions of joining a factory team at the height of my career. I think it's every young man's dream to make a career out of his favorite professional sport, and I was lucky enough to actually be headed down that path.

Until adult life smacked me in the face.

The dream-crusher saga can be saved for another day, but this brief back story has everything to do with one of my latest woodworking projects. Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to earn the bid to create the 125 All Star Race trophies for the Thunder Valley national race. Thanks to my buddy Mark with Defy Graphics, who did all the graphic artwork on each piece.

Designing and crafting these trophies was a blast ... purely due to my love for the sport and mad respect for the guys out there racing for the checkers. Being a new small business owner keeps me away from the track more than I would like, so this project helped me connect with the sport in another way.

So congrats to the guys who took those heavy-ass trophies home! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

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